Thursday, June 5, 2008

Puerto Rico Collage

Puerto Rico
(22" x 18")
Medium: Torn Magazine
Sometimes I like to call this painting "Nude Beach" because some of the torn pieces I used for the sand came from a vaseline advertisement in Parents magazine that showed a page full of knuckles. In the context of the beach, they look like a bunch of nakey bums. OOPS! This was on accident, of course but it always gives me a good chuckle. Unfortunately this photo doesn't show the nakey bums very well. The original is more obvious.
Another interesting tid-bit about this picture is that it was the exact location where my husband lost the rental car keys - in the OCEAN! My dad was with him and with Scott out of the water praying and my dad in the water scouring the muddy water in the rip tide, they found the keys. I've heard that faith without works is dead and I always think of this moment with my dad the embodiment of works and my husband the embodiment of faith and together, they found lost keys in the ocean.

With that being said, this is either entitled "Nude Beach" or "Miracle Beach" one of the two.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Salt Lake LDS Temple

Salt Lake LDS Temple
(20" x 30")
Medium: Torn Magazine
Features hidden face of Joseph Smith Jr., the first prophet of the restoration
Commissioned - Sold